Just £29 per month or get unlimited access for £199!


£495 – one off payment, self study

Turn Self Doubt into Sales and Create the Business of Your Dreams 

Turn Self Doubt into Sales

and Create the Business

of Your Dreams 

Is your fear of selling keeping you from having the business of your dreams?

Many people hear the word "sales" and instantly start to panic... I was no different. I used to literally break out in hives whenever I had to call someone or try selling.

Sales has a reputation for being slimy, sleazy, and SCARY.

It doesn't have to be! Selling doesn't require signing away your soul, or being super pushy (and it shouldn't make you break out in hives or start crying into your tea cup!)

See how simple sales can be - really!

So instead you'll try ANYTHING else to succeed... posting on every social media platform, downloading yet another free guide for advice, joining mastermind after mastermind — only to see NO results at all!

You just want to do what you love!

I get it, you love what you do and deliver EPIC client results. You didn't start a business so you could cold-call leads and spend hours trying to overcome objections.

Selling feels slimy and you hate it...

This is a common feeling, but it's just holding you back. Sales can be authentic and ethical.

Learn how to to grow your business FAST with my Sales Made Simple proven process

while retaining your integrity and making the big impacts you've always wanted!





Here's a Sneaky Peek....

8 Step By Step Online Training Modules

Instant Access to 8 Modules with over 20 bitesize videos

Easy-to-access bitesize videos, workbooks, and resources that you can access anywhere, at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

8 Workbooks & 10 Sales Templates

Create your own sales plan and sales process

Take what you've learnt and make it your own. Each workbook helps you to reflect on your own clients and business, and develop your own openings, questions and closes so that you sell with ease, and without feeling sales-y.

Done For You Sales Scripts

Including my winning objection handles and closing techniques

Take what you've learnt and make it your own. Each workbook helps you to reflect on your own clients and business, and develop your own openings, questions and closes so that you sell with ease, and without feeling sales-y.

It feels like sales is impossible...

So instead you'll try ANYTHING else to succeed... posting on every social media platform, downloading yet another free guide for advice, joining mastermind after mastermind — only to see NO results at all!

You just want to do what you love!

I get it, you love what you do and deliver EPIC client results. You didn't start a business so you could cold-call leads and spend hours trying to overcome objections.

Selling feels slimy and you hate it...

This is a common feeling, but it's just holding you back. Sales can be authentic and ethical.


£495 – one off payment, self study

Already paid for itself

"I joined Gilly’s program back in March hoping to win some new clients. I could not be happier! In just six weeks she has shown me how to sell and my confidence has grown so much.

I have just won my first client in over six months and for over $1000 so the program has already paid for itself. It’s fun and engaging, and the videos are easy to follow."

Tania Angelis, organic garden designer

Do not hesitate to join

"I knew Gilly was a top U.K. sales trainer - but my eyes have been opened to a new way of selling.

The program is so easy to follow and the videos make it so simple to learn, so far I have booked eight new appointments and 1 to 3 new pieces of business worth over $30,000. Do not hesitate to join, start building confidence, and start growing your sales."

Vicki Lingwood, strategy manager

The truth is

Sales is easier than you think!

Most people have the wrong idea about what sales really is...

and it's holding you back!

Put simply, selling is solving! You're just solving a problem for somebody that either they can't, or won't solve for themselves.

Sales used to give me hives and make me want to cry... until I learned this secret

Years ago in my job, I was probably a lot like you... not very good at sales and really scared of it!

From the outside I had the perfect career... but on the inside, I was so insecure I couldn’t close a door let alone a sale!

Then, our company held a sales training course... and I was TERRIFIED. So I unloaded on the trainer: every fear, every worry, every doubt — and my embarrassing confession that as a star salesperson I was afraid to close!

For two days, our expert trainer helped me overcome my fears by giving me the skills and techniques to handle any sale!

I learned how to conquer my fears and I became the TOP salesperson at our company 2 years in a row. Being able to sell changed my life, so I decided to help others uncover their confidence and inner sales skills.

And now...

As one of the UK's leading sales trainers and international speakers, I teach business owners how to make selling easy.

Selling really is as easy as 1, 2, 3 with Sales simplified, my signature 5 Stage 'SALES' process! Create consistent sales, revenue, and profit, with confidence and ease! All delivered in an affordable easy access online program.

Think sales by numbers - I literally show you step-by-step how to sell. From generating leads & creating desire, to overcoming objections and powerful closes.

This works even if you're a newbie or petrified and think you can't sell.

Module 1: What Is Sales?

Understand the 5 questions every prospect wants answered

and create an elevator pitch that stands out from the crowd and gets you noticed!

  • Elevator Pitch template

Module 2: Getting Your Ideal Leads

Figure out who your ideal client avatar is and how to connect with them PLUS how to automate your lead generation methods.

  • BONUS: Ideal Client Identification

  • BONUS: Easy Sales Plan guide and template

Module 3: Communication Skills and Rapport

Steal my decades of experience in honing your communication skills so you can connect with customers (even if you hate talking to people or if you're a huge introvert!)

  • BONUS: Communication Skills and Rapport workbook

Module 4: Phone Sales And Handling Objections

"Four Magic Questions" Framework to help you understand your customers and stay in charge of your calls. How to master phone sales, how to handle "gatekeepers" for high-value V.I.P. leads and the secret to answering objections BEFORE they even

  • BONUS: Phone Sales & Appointment Leads workbook

Module 5 & 6: Consultative Selling - How To Ask The Right Questions

Don't try memorizing another script that makes you sound like everyone else! Use my "Four Magic Questions" Framework to help you understand your customers and stay in charge of your calls.

  • BONUS: Consultative Selling workbook

  • BONUS: 50 Best Questions To Ask Leads guide

Module 7: Building Value And Explaining Your Benefits

Discover how to be FAB and build value through Features, Advantages, and Benefits to explain why you are the right choice!

  • BONUS: Building Value workbook

Module 8: Closing The Deal!

Learn the Secret Buying Signals

so you can tell exactly when your customer is ready to say yes AND the right methods to close the deal.

  • BONUS: Building Value workbook


£495 – one off payment, self study

Created For Phenomenal Coaches, Consultants & Service Based Entrepreneurs that want to sell more without feeling sales-y.

In as little as 8 weeks you CAN...

Start actually enjoy selling! - Sell your products or services without feeling uncomfortable, pushy, or icky.

✓Attract a constant flow of new leads - create a tactical sales plan that works and attract new leads on autopilot.

✓ Lead your sales calls with confidence - always know what to say and how to say it.

✓ Learn how to overcome any objection - without feeling sleazy or pushy.

✓ Generate and close more sales - using my simple sales system and the only 3 closing techniques you'll need!

✓ Learn how to follow up effectively and stop getting ghosted by clients - stop wasting time wondering how or when to follow up.

Module 1: What Is Sales?

Understand the 5 questions every prospect wants answered and create an elevator pitch that stands out from the crowd and gets you noticed!

  • BONUS: Elevator Pitch template

Module 2: Getting Your Ideal Leads

Figure out who your ideal client avatar is and how to connect with them PLUS how to automate your lead generation methods.

  • BONUS: Ideal Client Identification
  • BONUS: Easy Sales Plan guide and template

Module 3: Communication Skills And Connecting

Steal my decades of experience in honing your communication skills so you can connect with customers (even if you hate talking to people or if you're a huge introvert!)

  • BONUS: Communication Skills and Rapport workbook

Module 4: Phone Sales And Handling Objections

The proven 4-step approach to phone sales, how to handle "gatekeepers" for high-value V.I.P. leads and the secret to answering objections BEFORE they even happen!

  • BONUS: Phone Sales & Appointment Leads workbook

Modules 5 & 6: Consultative Selling - How To Ask The Right Questions

Don't try memorizing another script that makes you sound like everyone else! Use my "Four Magic Questions" Framework to help you understand your customers and stay in charge of your calls.

  • BONUS: Consultative Selling workbook
  • BONUS: 50 Best Questions To Ask Leads guide

Module 7: Building Value And Explaining Your Benefits


  • BONUS: Building Value workbook

Module 8: Closing The Deal!

Learn the Secret Buying Signals so you can tell exactly when your customer is ready to say yes AND the right methods to close the deal.

  • BONUS: Closing Techniques guide

With Sales Simplified you'll be able to stop stressing out over selling and start enjoying work (while building the business of your dreams!)



How to overcome objections - The secret to answering objections BEFORE they even happen!

Secret ethical and powerful closes to get to yes! Learn the Secret Buying Signals so you can tell exactly when your customer is ready to say yes AND the right methods to close the deal.


How to generate quality leads and the 5 questions you need to answer to close the sale.

How to create an elevator pitch that stands out from the crowd and gets you immediate interest.


What sales really is! Selling isn't pushing, forcing a product on people that they don't want, or trying to create a need where one doesn't exist. It's about listening and solving.

The right questions to ask! My "Four Magic Questions" Framework to help you understand your customers and stay in charge of your calls, without memorising another script that makes you sound like everyone else!


How to be FAB! How to build value through Features, Advantages, and Benefits to explain why you are the right choice!

How (& why) to create a sales plan - Everything you need to plan and gain control of your sales success.

With Sales Simplified you'll be able to stop stressing out over selling and start enjoying work (while building the business of your dreams!)


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✓ 8 Powerful Self-study Modules

✓ 20+ easy to follow sales training videos, workbooks, and resources

✓ Templates so you'll always know what to say

✓ Fun role plays - see me in action

✓ My repeatable 5 step sales process

✓ Weekly actions to test and refine your sales skills

✓ BONUS: Cold Calling Masterclass

✓ BONUS: 50 Killer Questions Every Business Owner MUST Ask On Discovery Calls

✓ BONUS: How to Follow Up Your Leads…Without Feeling Like A Stalker!

✓ BONUS: 10 Ways To Close The Sale Without Feeling Pushy!


JUST £495 – one off payment, self study

You asked

Frequently Asked Questions...


Sales Simplified is on-demand, online sales training. A bit like Netflix, you can watch at your own pace! There are 8 modules to work through, each forming part of 5 step SALES process.

The modules are designed to be completed weekly with actions for you to put into practice each week. You get access to the video content as long as you are a member, so you can revisit it whenever you like.


Whether you are a coach, consultant, trainer, NLP practitioner, graphic designer, copywriter, Social Media Manager, Brand Designer... If you are frickin' phenomenal at you what you do but hate the thought of selling - this course is perfect for you if...

  • you're ready to become more comfortable & confident with clients
  • you want to create a lead generation system on autopilot
  • you want to sharpen your skills and smash your sales targets


Whether you are a complete sales newbie, terrified of sales OR just struggle to close — this course will give you everything you need. I've taught hundreds of sales professionals and business owners how to improve their sales skills, and as a recovering sales-phobic, phone call hater, I'm here to tell you that if I can do it, so can you!

Life is about to get busy, so I'm wondering if I should wait and join at a later date?

Definitely, don’t wait! The strategies are easy to implement and the sooner you start, the sooner you'll see results.

Imagine how it would feel to be busy but still attract epic leads? Plus join now and you'll join at our special rate of just £495 – one off payment, self study.

Does the membership only work with certain niches?

No, all the frameworks and processes can be applied to different niches. For business owners that sell to corporates and larger businesses, there is an entire module teaching you my proven 4-step approach to phone sales and how to handle "gatekeepers" for high-value V.I.P. leads.

If I want to leave the membership, is it easy to cancel?

Yes, you can cancel whenever you want. Just make sure it’s at least 5 working days before the next billing cycle and you won’t be charged for the upcoming month. There are no partial refunds so if you cancel midway through the month, you will have access to the content until the end of the month.


You can start the program today — It is a completely self-paced online course so you decide when you start and when you finish. You have access to this course, across any and all devices you own for as long as you are enrolled in the course.

Thanks for taking my fear away

"I absolutely loved the course. As a business owner, I've never been confident in selling. With Gilly's course I finally felt as though I had all the pieces in the jigsaw. Instead of feeling panicky and confused about selling, I could finally see how the process worked.

With this training, I was able to take the plunge and selling isn't as scary as I thought! Gilly has some amazing tips and tricks. Selling has become a joy, rather than something I avoid.

My fear of selling no longer gets in the way of my business, and I've finally been able to shake off that mental image of the pushy salesman whenever I reach for the phone. Now that I've completed the course, I can talk to prospects in a way that feels genuine and natural — it's an honest way to do business that feels comfortable and gets results.

Learning with Gilly really is learning from the best. Thanks, Gilly, for taking my fear away."

Laura Ansbro

Everyone can sell with the right skills, and that's what you'll learn in this program!

You could stay where you are now, maybe keeping your head above water, but still worrying and struggling about financial security and success.

OR you can take your own future into your own hands with the step-by-step method in Sales Simplified and start running the business of your dreams!

When I was struggling years ago, I got the training I needed and it literally changed my life. Now it's your turn.

It's time for you to find your confidence.

Everyone can sell with the right skills, and that's what you'll learn in this program!

You could stay where you are now, maybe keeping your head above water, but still worrying and struggling about financial security and success.

OR you can take your own future into your own hands with the step-by-step method in Sales Simplified and start running the business of your dreams!

When I was struggling years ago, I got the training I needed and it literally changed my life. Now it's your turn.

It's time for you to find your confidence.


✓ 8 Powerful Self-study Modules

✓ 20+ easy to follow sales training videos, workbooks, and resources

✓ Templates so you'll always know what to say

✓ Fun role plays - see sales in action

✓ My repeatable 5 step sales process

✓ Weekly actions to test and refine your sales skills

✓ BONUS: Cold Calling Masterclass

✓ BONUS: 50 Killer Questions Every Business Owner MUST Ask On Discovery Calls

✓ BONUS: How to Follow Up Your Leads…Without Feeling Like A Stalker!

✓ BONUS: 10 Ways To Close The Sale Without Feeling Pushy!


Just £495 – one off payment, self study


  • 8 Modules with Comprehensive Video Trainings
  • BONUS: Elevator Pitch template
  • BONUS: Ideal Client Identification
  • BONUS: Easy Sales Plan guide and template
  • BONUS: Communication Skills and Rapport workbook
  • BONUS: Phone Sales & Appointment Leads workbook
  • BONUS: Consultative Selling workbook
  • BONUS: 50 Best Questions To Ask Leads guide
  • BONUS: Building Value workbook
  • BONUS: Closing Techniques guide
  • 8 Modules with Comprehensive Video Trainings
  • BONUS: Elevator Pitch template
  • BONUS: Ideal Client Identification
  • BONUS: Easy Sales Plan guide and template
  • BONUS: Communication Skills and Rapport workbook
  • BONUS: Phone Sales & Appointment Leads workbook
  • BONUS: Consultative Selling workbook
  • BONUS: 50 Best Questions To Ask Leads guide
  • BONUS: Building Value workbook
  • BONUS: Closing Techniques guide


Today's Price = £997